Do you run a business that provides goods or services to people in Kansas or Missouri?
Want to let thousands of people know about it?
Consider underwriting a KPR program. It's a cost-effective way to let potential customers know who you are and what you do.
It also lets our listeners know you support the programs they already love.
With transmitters and translators scattered across the eastern third of the state, Kansas Public Radio reaches 100,000 listeners every week. Let us tell our loyal listeners about your business, but in a good way.
You can choose to underwrite news and public affairs programs like Morning Edition and All Things Considered... classical and jazz music shows... or specialty music programs like the Retro Cocktail Hour, Film Music Friday, Trail Mix or LIVE at Green Lady Lounge.
Learn more by contacting Joanna Fewins or anyone else in our friendly KPR Development Department. Call (888) 577-5268
You owe it to your business to explore the possibilities of KPR underwriting.