Pledge, Join, Renew
KPR depends on membership support.
KPR Members are now more important than ever, as more than 84 percent of our operating funds come directly from community support. Here's how you can help provide this service so many rely on for fact-based, award-winning journalism and an eclectic mix of programming.
Become a Sustaining Member »
Sign up for monthly contributions using your credit card.
Make a Contribution »
Make a contribution using your credit card.
Questions? Contact our membership department at or call 785-864-5268. If you'd prefer to write a check, please make it payable to "Kansas Public Radio" and send to 1120 W 11th St Lawrence, KS 66044, c/o Membership.
Tax ID:
Kansas Public Radio is licensed to the University of Kansas. Donations requiring a federal EIN should define the purpose of your gift, designating Kansas Public Radio as the beneficiary, and use KU Endowment's Federal Tax ID: # 48-0547734.
Matching Gifts
You may be able to get your employer to put their money where your heart is!
Consider taking part in your employer's matching gift program. Did you know that many employers will match charitable contributions made by their employees and, sometimes, their retirees?
How to Participate:
Please contact your company's human resources office to find out if your employer will match your gift to KPR and how to get started. You can also search KU Endowment's matching gift database.
Will Your Employer Match Your Gift?
For information or questions about matching gifts, contact Michelle Derusseau, matching gift records coordinator at KU Endowment, at 785-832-7429 or
Membership Levels
(membership benefits are based on an annual renewal cycle)
12 Months of KPR Membership
12 Months of KPR Membership
$75-119 - CLASSIC CLUB
12 Months of KPR Membership + Make a Music Request
KPR MemberCard Levels

$120-179 - DIRECTOR'S CLUB
Above + a KPR MemberCard
Above + "KPR Hosts Recommend" list
$240-359 - IMPROV CLUB
Above + book a tour of Kansas Public Radio
$360-499 - PRESS CLUB
Above + invite to KPR Concert Series
Above + two (2) invitations to the annual Major Donor Appreciation Event
Above + a day of sponsorship of your favorite local program(s) with six (6) announcements dedicated as you wish, on the day of your choice