Ever since the pioneers first arrived in western Kansas, settlers have been trying to kill-off the prairie dog. The animals were seen as a nuisance and carrier of disease. A few people saw things differently. Larry Haverfield was one of them. The western Kansas rancher refused to kill the critters and instead… worked to protect them. Haverfield died in 2014, but his legacy lives on in a new children’s book. Matt Bergles (BUR-gulls) is the author of LARRY SAVES THE PRAIRIE: The Story of Larry Haverfield, A True Wildlife Hero. KPR’s J. Schafer spoke with Bergles (BUR-gulls) about his book and its central character: the late Larry Haverfield.
That's Dr. Matt Bergles, author of Larry Saves the Prairie: The Story of Larry Haverfield, a True Wildlife Hero. He was speaking to KPR's J. Schafer from his home in Denver.
(as aired on KPR)