"Literary" crime fiction is a genre that would have perplexed most critics in the 1940s and '50s...but it's a staple of our modern bestseller lists, films and television shows. One of the most successful writers in this subgenre is Dennis Lehane. He's written novels, teleplays, and screenplays...and what's more, he's been a producer, a director, an actor, and a teacher. He'll be speaking Saturday evening as part of the Free State Festival in Lawrence. He recently talked with KPR's Laura Lorson about the enduring appeal of the well-crafted mystery story.
Dennis Lehane spoke with KPR's Laura Lorson. He's the author of ten novels...including "Mystic River," "Gone Baby Gone" and "Shutter Island," which were made into feature films. He's also written for the television series "The Wire" and "Boardwalk Empire." He'll give a talk at the Lawrence Arts Center at 6:30 tomorrow (SAT) night. Tickets are required...more information is available at the Free State Festival website.