What's the matter with Kansas? She's in trouble. Commentator William Jennings Bryan Oleander tells us why.
The unfolding water crisis in Flint, Michigan, may hold lessons for governments in other states, like Kansas. Guest Commentator Burdett Loomis says states that scale back on essential government services to save money often wind up paying a much higher cost.
Brownback touched on state issues and also took the president to task.
Neighbors in disputes with Jim Brownback accuse him of intimidation and harassment.
Critics of the measure say the new rules are mean-spirited, but the Brownback Administration says they're just a part of a plan to move families out of poverty.
Here's a summary of the day's news in Kansas, as compiled by the Associated Press and prepared here by the KPR News Team.
It's the latest in a series of moves participants in a school funding lawsuit have tried to stop the Brownback Administration's plan.
Kansas lawmakers feel they need to fix the state's budget mess within the next few weeks just to ensure state bills get paid on time.
The state of Kansas is trying to close a $279 million budget shortfall.