Weekends at 7 p.m.
Kansas Public Radio's Retro Cocktail Hour is our weekly nod to the Space Age Pop revival. Here you'll find vintage recordings from the dawn of the Hi-Fi Era - imaginative, light-hearted (and sometimes light-headed) pop stylings designed to underscore everything from the backyard barbecue to the high-tech bachelor pad. Darrell Brogdon serves up two hours of incredibly strange music on Kansas Public Radio, so grab a cocktail shaker and join us for the Retro Cocktail Hour.
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About the Show: Retro Cocktail Hour
Since 1996, Darrell has hosted The Retro Cocktail Hour, which is actually TWO hours - a weekly serving of "incredibly strange music," including everything from lounge music to tiki tunes to swinging soundtracks from the '60s and '70s. Through our website, the show has listeners all over the world, from Bosnia to Japan.
The show's spiced with everything from obscure Italian B-movie soundtracks and bossa nova to contemporary bands like Don Tiki, Big Kahuna and the Copa Cat Pack, the Tokyo Panorama Mambo Boys, the Italian Secret Service, Balanco and others.
For the past few years, the show has also been the inspiration for the infamous Cinema con Queso/Cinema a Go-Go film series and a number of funky nights of music at Liberty Hall in downtown Lawrence, Kan.
About the Host: Darrell Brogdon
Darrell is a self-described "radio rat," having started on the air in high school and still hasn't hung up his microphone. His first job was DJ-ing at
KERV-AM, the only radio station in his hometown of Kerrville, Texas. After getting his speech and drama degree at North Texas State University, Darrell kicked around the dial before landing at KANU in 1982.
In addition to his role as Program Director, he has produced just about any kind of show imaginable at KANU/KPR - quiz shows, radio dramas, concert broadcasts, arts magazines, record shows.
A fanatical record collector, the second floor of Darrell's house is threatening to become the first floor under the sheer weight of accumulated LPs.
Darrell sums up his on-air time thusly: "Doing The Retro Cocktail Hour and Right Between the Ears is like having the world's biggest electric train set.
Episode #992 of Retro Cocktail Hour, aired on June 24th, 2023.
Episode #957 of The Retro Cocktail Hour (a rebroadcast). Pour yourself a Mai Tai and turn up the volume knob!
May 6th episode of The Retro Cocktail Hour. Episode number #988.