Q: Most of Kansas is in the Central Time Zone, but four counties out west – with no actual mountains – operate on Mountain Time. Can you name those four Kansas counties?
A: Hamilton, Greeley, Wallace and Sherman
Most of Kansas operates on Central Time, but there are four counties in the western part of the state that are included in the Mountain Time Zone: Hamilton, Greeley, Wallace and Sherman. This can cause a bit of confusion for folks who live out west. Just check out this news article from the Associated Press:
Time Changes Inside House in Western Kansas
KENDALL, Kan. (AP) — The change from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time can be rough on some people, but consider Ron and Sherry Finlay. Their home near Kendall in western Kansas is on the dividing line between Kearny County (Central Time) and Hamilton County (Mountain Time). So, when a person walks through the Finlays' east door, it's Central Time. Go through the west door, and it's Mountain Time. The Hutchinson News reports that the confusion is nothing new. It's been going on since mid-1980, when Kearny County asked the U.S. Department of Transportation, which oversees the nation's time zones, to change from Mountain to Central Time. Sherry Finlay says her family has adapted, but the change can confuse visitors.