At a meeting in Topeka Tuesday, the National Council on Disability will hear how the state’s managed care program for Medicaid has been working. The state privatized the system, now known as KanCare, several years ago. As KPR’s Stephen Koranda reports, the council advises the president, Congress and the federal government on disability issues.
The National Council on Disability held a similar meeting in 2013 in Kansas, which helped produce a series of recommendations for managed care programs. Now, they’re working to update the report.
The council will hear from state officials and advocates for people with disabilities, like Rocky Nichols with the Disability Rights Center of Kansas. Nichols says the council is interested in Kansas because it is on the leading edge of states privatizing Medicaid services.
“Managed care isn’t going away, it’s here, and the question is: how can managed care be done properly and effectively to ensure that people with disabilities continue to get the services and support that they need?” says Nichols.
The council will also take testimony from the general public.