(Flickr Photo by Jeremy Yerse)A Kansas legislative committee says a state senator should not be paid for attending a committee meeting last year because he was late. Kansas City, Kansas Democrat David Haley admits he was late, but says the meeting was cut short, so he ended up missing all but about 20 minutes. Haley says he still deserves a full payment of $290.
The committee chair who decided Haley would not be paid, Topeka Republican Senator Vicki Schmidt, says the meeting schedule was only slightly changed. And, she says that according to the rules, members have to attend at least 50 percent of a meeting in order to be paid for it.
In the end, there was a compromise. Haley will be reimbursed for mileage, but he won’t get his salary for the day. Staff members say this is the first time the committee had to settle a pay dispute since 1991.