<img style="margin: auto;" alt="Kline" "="" data-cke-saved-src="/images/NEWS/Stephen%20Koranda/Kline.jpg" src="/images/NEWS/Stephen%20Koranda/Kline.jpg" height="275" width="520">Phill Kline speaks to reporters after the hearing. (Photo by Stephen Koranda)
Whether former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline will keep his state law license is now in the hands of the Kansas Supreme Court. An ethics complaint alleges Kline and his staff misled others during investigations of abortion providers. After a hearing today (THUR), Kline denied the allegation.
Kline claims the charges are politically motivated. Stan Hazlett (HAS-let), who heads the state office that investigates ethical complaints against attorneys, disagrees.
It’s not clear when the court will make a decision.