With the Kansas Silent Film Festival beginning Friday afternoon Feb 24th, their pianist Rodney Sauer came in to play some exciting vintage music written for the silent films. He is a long-time KPR friend who has brought his musical group The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra to the station many times over the past 20 years. Pianist/organist Ben Model was also at hand. Sunflower Journey staffer Bill Shaffer who was a film presenter speaks along with author Lara Gabrielle who has a new book out about the controversial movie starlet Marion Davies.
Rodney Sauer (Sour), Pianist/ Music compiler/ leader of the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra out of Boulder, Colorado
+ Ben Model, Pianist/ composer and owner of Undercrank Productions from New York.
+ Lara Gabrielle, author of THE CAPTAIN OF HER SOUL: THE LIFE OF MARION DAVIES, who is the star of one of our feature films.
+ Bill Shaffer, former KTWU Producer and Kansas Silent Film Festival Director.
Here is a link from Rodney's last visit to KPR when he brought his entire group.