(Photo via sxc.hu)LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) — Could a serial arsonist be on the loose in Lawrence? That's one question being asked in the wake of a string of suspicious fires in the city since late October. Investigators are now looking into the latest fire in a series of recent blazes at apartment buildings. The Lawrence Journal-World reports reports no one was injured in the fire early Sunday at a complex on West 24th Street. Crews quickly extinguished the smoky blaze. A report by Lawrence Fire Chief Mark Bradford says the fire was deliberately set. No other information was released yesterday (MON), and Bradford did not say whether officials believe it was related to several others in the area. The Journal-World says it used an open-records request last week to obtain all fire reports in the city since October 19. The newspaper says the reports show nine fires fitting a similar pattern. Eight occurred at multi-unit apartment complexes, and five are listed as arson.