EMPORIA, Kan. (AP) _ A missing Kansas college student has been found in Germany nearly three weeks after traveling there without telling her friends or family. Twenty-year-old Emilee Irsik, a junior at Emporia State University, was with German authorities when she called her family around noon today (THUR). Her mother, Sherry Irsik, of La Grange, North Carolina, told The Associated Press she is "thrilled beyond measure'' and looking forward to being reunited with her daughter. But she said she didn't speak long with her daughter and had "zero information'' about what happened. Emilee Irsik had been studying German at Emporia State. She left October 19 during the school's fall break and landed the next day in Hamburg. Her roommates notified the school when Irsik didn't show up for classes October 22. According to the Wichita Eagle, authorities were tipped off by a British Airways employee who reported that Irsik turned up at the Hamburg airport on Thursday afternoon to purchase a ticket home. Irsik reportedly told police that she had been traveling around Germany and did not realize she had been reported missing.