Q: At a rest stop along I-70 in Wabaunsee County, visitors can see a structure made from five, large, upright panels of limestone. The purpose of this structure is to honor and memorialize a certain group of people. Tell us who.
A: Kansas highway workers killed on the job
A memorial for Kansas highway workers can be seen at the Paxico Safety Rest Area along I-70 in Wabaunsee County. While the memorial recognizes all highway workers for their service, it specifically honors employees from the Kansas Highway Commission, the Kansas Department of Transportation, the Kansas Turnpike Authority and associated contractors who have been killed in work zones. The KDOT Employee Memorial, as it is called, is situated in two locations at the Paxico rest area. A set of five limestone panels stands on the north side. An identical set of panels is located on the south side of the rest area, which is where the photos on this web page were taken. The memorial can be accessed by both westbound and eastbound I-70 traffic.
Fun Factoid: Former KDOT employee Bill Leek, who helped design the Kansas highway workers memorial, was the winner of the radio version of this week's Kansas Trivia contest! Tune in for Kansas Trivia most Fridays at 9 am on #MyKPR.
KDOT reminds all motorists to buckle up, drive safely and please... please.... please.... slow down in work zones. Someone's life depends on it.