Our hearts are warmed by the overwhelming response to our most recent budget cut of $100,000. KPR has the best listeners ever! Here’s how YOU can help us weather these cuts so that we can continue to provide the programming you rely on.
00000184-7fa7-d6f8-a1cf-7fa794ee0000 5 things you can do to help KPR
- If you’re not a member, become a member!
- If you’re a member, consider an additional gift. We also have a great vehicle donation program.
- Spread the word! Ask your friends and fellow listeners to support KPR by sharing this post.
- Become a sustaining member of KPR.
- Volunteer to help answer phones during our membership drive, 9/20, 9/23-30.
We're truly becoming a station that is primarily community-supported. Please consider becoming a part of the KPR squad. Click HERE to donate now...and thanks.