Governor Sam Brownback says he isn’t concerned about the Kansas House and Senate considering unbalanced budget bills. Brownback says he’s confident lawmakers will write a balanced budget as required in the Kansas Constitution. But Brownback didn’t sound as confident when asked if his tax proposals will make it into the final plan. He says lawmakers are looking at many different options.
“We put forward a plan, and this plan will work, and it will get us to a balanced budget and it will fund us for two years with a healthy ending balance. Somebody else has a different idea. We’ll see what comes though at the end,” says Brownback.
Brownback has proposed eliminating some future income tax cuts and instead giving lawmakers authority to determine when future cuts would happen. He’s also proposing increases in tobacco and alcohol taxes.
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback says he isn’t concerned by budget bills in the House and Senate that aren’t balanced. The chambers are considering bills that would require a tax increase to keep the state out of the red. As KPR’s Stephen Koranda reports, Brownback fielded some questions about the budget at an event in Topeka yesterday (MON).
Brownback does not seem phased by the budget bills. He says lawmakers will fill the deficit, like the Kansas Constitution requires.
“They have to. At some point in time they will come up with a budget and it will balance. It’s required and they will do it,” says Brownback.
But Brownback does not sound so confident when reporters question if his tax proposals would make it into the final product. He says lawmakers are considering many options.
“Right now you’re in this season of people throwing out a hundred different ideas. You could go over there right now and you could hear 20 different ideas. That’s good,” says Brownback.
The governor has proposed canceling some future income tax reductions and instead giving lawmakers authority over when tax cuts take place. He’s also proposing increases in alcohol and tobacco taxes.