State Representative Kasha Kelley (R-Arkansas City) speaks with reporters during a break in the meeting. (Photo by Stephen Koranda)A special committee of the Kansas Legislature has spent the day learning about how the state funds schools, and hearing details on past lawsuits concerning school spending. The two-day education committee meeting is aimed at prepping lawmakers for what could be lengthy work on the issue of school finance next year. Arkansas City Republican Representative Kasha (CASH-uh) Kelley heads the committee. She says that, depending on the outcome of a case before the Kansas Supreme Court, legislators might have to consider revising how schools are funded.
Last month the state Supreme Court heard arguments in a case over how much Kansas spends on its schools. A decision could come later this year. Major discussions about education spending are expected when lawmakers return to the Statehouse in January.
Members of a special committee of the Kansas Legislature have been studying up on one of the biggest topics in the Statehouse, school funding. The committee meets again later today (THUR) to learn more about the topic before the next legislative session starts in January. As KPR's Stephen Koranda reports, education could be even more high-profile than usual next year.