Protestors outside Kobach's office. (Photo by Stephen Koranda)Around 50 protesters gathered outside Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s office today (TUE), asking him to either stop working on immigration issues around the nation, or to step down. The crowd included young people from Kansas and other states. Erika Andiola, (AHN-dee-oh-luh,) from Arizona, says her mother was recently detained under a controversial immigration law, which Kobach helped draft.
The protesters delivered a letter and asked to speak with Kobach. His staff said he already had business scheduled for the day and wasn’t available. Later, Kobach said he only works on immigration issues in his spare time and protests like this take him and his staff away from working on his official duties.
The protesters call themselves “DREAMers.” They want lawmakers in Washington to pass the DREAM act, which would give undocumented children brought to the US by their parents a path to citizenship.