Senators John Vratil (left, R-Leawood) and Carolyn McGinn (R-Sedgwick) during budget talks. (Photo by Stephen Koranda)Budget negotiators have agreed on some aspects of a state spending plan, but some large issues remain unresolved. Education and state employee pay are likely to be two sticking points. The Senate budget included a 1 percent pay raise for state employees and additional spending for workers paid below market averages. Neither was included in the House budget. A compromise could result in little or no raise for most state workers in exchange for keeping the under market pay raise. Senator Carolyn McGinn, a Republican from Sedgwick, is the lead Senate negotiator.
It appears the two chambers have agreed on public broadcasting funding. They have agreed to split the difference between the two positions, which would reduce public broadcasting funding in Kansas from around $1.5 million to just over $1 million. Budget negotiations will continue today (TUE).