Darrell Brogdon
Program Director, Retro Cocktail Hour HostDarrell is a self-described "radio rat," having started on the air in high school and still hasn't hung up his microphone. His first job was DJ-ing at KERV-AM, the only radio station in his hometown of Kerrville, Texas. After getting his speech and drama degree at North Texas State University, Darrell kicked around the dial before landing at KANU in 1982. In addition to his role as Program Director, he has produced just about any kind of show imaginable at KANU/KPR - quiz shows, radio dramas, concert broadcasts, arts magazines, record shows. A fanatical record collector, the second floor of Darrell's house is threatening to become the first floor under the sheer weight of accumulated LPs. Darrell sums up his on-air time thusly: "Doing The Retro Cocktail Hour and Right Between the Ears is like having the world's biggest electric train set.
Morgan Freeman has given many powerful, memorable performances. His role as Mr. Clark, a New Jersey-based high school principal known for dispensing…
Politicians don’t say 'I'm sorry' for anything anymore. We explore why with Brett Bricker, a national-champion debater and debate coach who researches…
Film Music Friday heads into outer space this week, as we hear music from some classic films about space exploration. Among the films to be featured are…
Just because a movie stinks doesn't automatically mean the music is bad. This week on Film Music Friday we're hearing the music of some notable box office…
In movies, the McGuffin is an object, device, person or place that serves merely as a trigger for the plot. On this week's Film Music Friday we'll hear…
On this week's Film Music Friday we dive into the distinctive "sound" of films from Warner Brothers Studio. The Warners produced the first film with a…
This week's show features a performance by The Waitiki 7 for the Retro Cocktail Hour's 25th anniversary. The concert, recorded at Liberty Hall in…