When you call in to pledge to KPR, the phone volunteers always ask, "Do you have any comments for the staff?" Read on to see what our listeners and supporters say about us. Thanks to everyone who helped make the membership drive so successful. We hope to maintain this great momentum in the coming fiscal year as we work to absorb budget cuts while continuing to provide the same high-quality programming that inspired so many listeners to call in and pledge.
“So impressed with the news! Both sides.”
“Great station – I moved here from California a year ago, and I enjoy learning about Kansas news and weather.”
“Statehouse reporting is essential to a working democracy! Keep up the good work!”“Michael Keelan’s interview about redheads was really wonderful.”
“I appreciate the radio station and I’m concerned about the budget cuts.”
“Quality radio is more important now than ever.”
“I grew up with Bob McWilliams. I love the music and the interviews!”
“You are my morning and afternoon ride to work. My daughter and I used to talk on the phone on our commutes but made a pact not to call so we could both listen to KPR.”
One listener said that they love the local reporting, and that a story on an Olathe town meeting was so impressive that they decided to call in and pledge.
“I appreciate the weather updates during storms.”
“I never donated before, but KPR is all I listen to so I decided to donate for the first time!"
“Thank you for the highest quality of reporting - especially concerning the Kansas Legislature. I speak about KPR constantly. I know more and more of my friends in Kansas City are tuning in.”
“I listen to classical music with my boys and it sparks a lot of questions. Beethoven is my 8-year-old son's favorite musician. Thank you for giving us an alternative to listen to; other stations are redundant but you are interesting and thought provoking.”