Both Kansas and Missouri rank higher than the national average in food insecurity, with nearly 15 percent of adults and 17 percent of children living with hunger. That's according to Harvesters, the community food bank based in Kansas City. Kansas Public Radio's J. Schafer has more.
You can learn more about helping the hungry at
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Harvesters Food Bank Appeals for Food, Money, Volunteers
Harvesters, the community food bank in Kansas City, is asking area residents to give food, give time and give voice to those who don't have enough to eat. Gene Hallinan, the communications director for Harvesters, says both Kansas and Missouri rank higher than the national average in food insecurity. Hallinan says nearly 15 percent of adults and 17 percent of children in both states are living with hunger. In Kansas alone, that translates into hundreds of thousands of people
Harvesters is calling on people to donate food or cash to local food pantries such as Just Food in Lawrence. Learn more at