LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) — The Kansas Turnpike Authority will eliminate gates at three K-Tag lanes this week as part of a pilot program to test video enforcement. Turnpike spokeswoman Jeri Biehler says video enforcement will begin this week at Interstate 70 toll plazas in east Topeka and Kansas City, Kansas, and at a toll plaza on Interstate 35 on the Oklahoma border. The Lawrence Journal-World reports the new program uses overhead video cameras, instead of gates, to monitor K-Tag express lane traffic. Transponders in K-Tags will be read in the lane. The cameras will capture the license plates of drivers who use the lanes without K-Tags. Those drivers will receive invoices in the mail. After the system is tested for efficiency, KTA plans to fully implement the program later this summer.
Kansas Turnpike to Try Video Enforcement in Some K-Tag Lanes