KU Students Aid in Winning Murder Case Appeal
LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) University of Kansas law students helped a woman win an appeal of her conviction in the murder of a Topeka homeless advocate. The university's law school's Project for Innocence and Post-Conviction Remedies filed the appeal on Kimberly Sharp's behalf and presented oral arguments in the case in March before the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. The Lawrence Journal-World reports the appeals panel ruled earlier this month that Sharp was unconstitutionally convicted in the 2006 slaying of 38-year-old David Owen. Jean Phillips, Project for Innocence director and Kansas law clinical professor, says it's very difficult to win such an appeal. The unanimous decision from the appeals panel sends Sharp's case back to Shawnee County District Court for a second trial.
Brownback Investigation of Planned Parenthood Latest KS Abortion Opposition Move
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) _ Republican Governor Sam Brownback's push for an investigation into whether tissue from aborted fetuses is being sold commercially is the latest episode in a long history of moves against Planned Parenthood by Kansas abortion opponents. That history includes investigations by prosecutors and a grand jury. The group's clinic in the Kansas City suburb of Overland Park has never faced criminal trial. Legislators also have prevented federal funds from flowing through the state to Planned Parenthood. Brownback called for a Kansas medical board investigation after anti-abortion activists released two secretly recorded videos of Planned Parenthood officials outside Kansas discussing how fetal tissue is provided for research. The group's Kansas and Mid-Missouri affiliate sees the latest investigation as harassment.
The anti-abortion group Kansans for Life contends Planned Parenthood warrants the scrutiny.
KCMO Police Seek Missing Elderly Man
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) _ Kansas City police are searching for an 86-year-old Kansas City man who hasn't been seen since July 11th. Police issued a Silver Alert Friday evening for Ronald Lee Freeman. He left his home in northern Kansas City without medication or a cane he needs to walk. Freeman is described as white, 6-feet tall and 187 pounds. He is not carrying his wallet. Police say he recently suffered two heart attacks and has post-traumatic stress disorder. He has gray hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing a brown striped polo shirt and khaki pants when he was last seen.
Growers Collaborate with K-State Researchers
WICHITA, Kan. (AP) _ Some Kansas growers are carrying out experiments they helped design, evaluating questions such as how different varieties, seeding rates, nutrients and other variables work in the fields on their farms. It's a partnership with Kansas State University under a program launched last season. About 20 farmers are participating in the program. University agricultural experts help the farmers design test plots and research so that the experiments yield usable data. So far, the studies have been conducted on soybeans, sorghum and corn. Kansas State is showcasing the program Monday, hosting a tour of research plots in Saline County.
President Obama Visits Kenya
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) _ President Barack Obama is closing an historic visit to the land that considers him a local son with an address to the people of Kenya. Obama also planned to speak with Kenyan youth and meet with civic leaders before he arrives late Sunday in Ethiopia, the second and final stop on his latest trip to the African continent. The president's late father was born and is buried in Kenya, while his mother was born in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Judge Rules Child Detention Illegal in Immigration Case
LOS ANGELES (AP) _ A federal judge has ruled that the current U.S. Justice Department system of detaining children with their mothers who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally violates an 18-year-old court settlement. The decision Friday by U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee in California is a victory for the immigrant-rights lawyers who brought the case, but its immediate implications for detainees aren't yet clear.