Spirit To Focus on Defense Work
WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — The president and chief executive officer for Spirit AeroSystems says defense work will become more of a focus for the Wichita-based aircraft parts maker. Larry Lawson told The Wichita Eagle that defense work could make up 10 to 15 percent of Spirit's sales in five to 10 years. Today, he estimates it probably comprises less than 5 percent.
KSU Ties Workaholism to Poor Health
MANHATTAN, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas State University researcher says working overtime may cost people their health. Sarah Asebedo and her colleagues found a preliminary link between being a workaholic and reduced physical and mental well-being. Workaholics were defined as those working more than 50 hours per week.
Liberal Man Dies from House Fire Burns
LIBERAL, Kan. (AP) — A Liberal man has died from burns suffered in a mobile home fire near the Oklahoma state line. The Liberal Leader and Times reports that 58-year-old Curtis Phillips died Thursday after he was removed from life support. He was badly injured Wednesday, sustaining third-degree burns on 66 percent of his body and suffering severe burns to his lungs.
Manhattan Country Stampede Featured on Cable Show
MANHATTAN, Kan. (AP) — A new Travel Channel show will feature the Manhattan music and camping festival called the Country Stampede. WIBW reports that the Country Stampede episode will air at 8 o'clock tonight on "Adam Richman's Fandemonium." The show's website says the episode will give viewers a glimpse of "unique tailgates" and how "superfans have fun."