Still no word on the whereabouts of a missing Emporia State University student who disappeared in Germany last month. Twenty-year-old Emilee Irsik (ER-sick), of Wichita, is a junior at ESU. Without telling her family, she boarded a flight bound for Germany last month. She was supposed to come home October 26 but never boarded her return flight. KPR's J. Schafer spoke with Meggin Finkeldei (Finkel-die), a long time family friend, who's asking for the public's help in finding Emilee.
That's Meggin Finkeldei (Finkel-die), a spokeswoman for the family of Emilee Irsik. She was speaking with KPR's J. Schafer. Emilee Irsik is a 20-year-old junior at Emporia State University, who boarded a plane for Germany last month and never returned home.
For more information, log on to the special Facebook page called: Emilee Irsik Missing Person
(newscast version)
Emilee Irsik
There's still no word on the whereabouts of a missing Emporia State University student who disappeared in Germany last month. Twenty-year-old Emilee Irsik (ER-sick), of Wichita, is a junior at ESU. She flew to Germany last month but never boarded her return flight. Meggin Finkeldei (Finkel-die) is a longtime family friend.
A Facebook page has been established to help find Emilee. The page is called: Emilee Irsik Missing Person.