Q: There are lots of towns in other states named after Kansas, Kansas City or the Kansas Territory. For instance, there's a place called "Little Kansas" in Pennsylvania and a "Kansas Settlement" in Arizona. There's a "Kansasville, Wisconsin," a "Kansas City, Oregon" and, of course, the city in Missouri named "Kansas City." Beyond these examples, can you name ANY OTHER state that has a city or town specifically named "Kansas?" Do Not count Kansas City, Kansas, in your answer.
(According to our research, we believe there are six possible answers.)
A: Any community from this list counts:
Kansas, Alabama
Kansas, Georgia
Kansas, Illinois
Kansas, Kentucky
Kansas, Ohio
Kansas, Oklahoma
- NOT ELIGIBLE for this Trivia Question -
(Kansas Settlement, Arizona)
(Kansas City, Kansas)
(Kansas City, Missouri)
(Kansas City, Oregon)
(Little Kansas, Pennsylvania)
(Kansasville, Wisconsin)
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