Q: We’ve all heard of JO CO. That’s short for Johnson County. J-O is the two-letter abbreviation for that suburban county, as seen on Kansas license plates. But what about NO CO, RO CO, FO CO and GO CO? Tell us the real names of these four other counties.
A: Neosho County, Rooks County, Ford County and Gove County.
Kansas has 105 counties. Five of these counties have a two-letter county abbreviation (used on license plates) that ends in the letter “O.” They include:
JO = Johnson County (Olathe, Overland Park)
NO = Neosho County (Erie, Chanute)
RO = Rooks County (Stockton)
FO = Ford County (Dodge City)
GO = Gove County (Gove)
So, there you go – JO CO, NO CO, RO CO, FO CO and GO CO.
Now you know, but try not to go loco!