The state’s largest health insurance company is sponsoring a series of town-hall meetings across the state to bring consumers up to speed on Obamacare. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas has scheduled 13 meetings in 11 communities. The first will take place in Lawrence next Tuesday (October 1). The final meeting is scheduled for November 7 at the company’s headquarters in Topeka. Meanwhile, Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger is also conducting consumer education sessions throughout the state. She’ll be in Salina today (WED) and in Pittsburg tomorrow (THUR). With the new online insurance marketplace scheduled to launch next week, Praeger says many Kansans still have a lot of questions about the Affordable Care Act.
A list of Praeger’s remaining consumer education sessions is on the Kansas Insurance Department’s website at The schedule for the Blue Cross Blue Shield meetings is available on the company’s website at
Learn more, visit the KHI News Service website.