SOS, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides services and support to victims of sexual or domestic violence, stalking, human trafficking, child abuse or neglect through education and personal advocacy.
Flint Hills Breadbasket is a nonprofit focused on increasing food security for all residents of Riley County. Since 1982, the Breadbasket has acted as a collection and distribution site for food donations aiming to reduce food waste by pairing excess food with people in need.
Foster Village Lawrence bridges the gap between foster families/caregivers and those who want to help by meeting practical needs and providing holistic support beyond the system.
Harvesters mobilizes the power of our community to create equitable access to nutritious food and address the root causes and impact of hunger.
This fall - 2023 - we’re launching a brand-new program to help spread the word about local community organizations. KPR’s Community Spotlight gives these organizations an opportunity to spread awareness using KPR’s airwaves each month.
The mission of the Sexual Trauma and Abuse Care Center is to promote a culture of consent while providing 24/7 support to anyone affected by sexual trauma and abuse in Douglas, Franklin, and Jefferson Counties.